
Deadlines coming up
August 8th, 2024
Top up to regular onsite fee***
August 8th, 2024
Full fee for conference papers - online
August 8th, 2024
Sponsorship package fee
August 8th, 2024
Fee type changes, cancellations
August 14th, 2024
Conference full paper
September 26th, 2024
Final online digital proceedings

"Then I say the Earth belongs to each generation during its course, fully and in its right no generation can contract debts greater than may be paid during the course of its existence"

Thomas Jefferson, September 6, 1789

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."

Buckminster Fuller, philosopher, futurist and global thinker (1895 - 1983)

"History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives"

Abba Eban




University of Zagreb
Zagreb, Croatia

Instituto Superior Técnico
Lisbon, Portugal
in cooperation with:

Aalborg University
Aalborg, Denmark

University of Belgrade
Belgrade, Serbia

Brno University of Technology
Brno, Czech Republic

Universidad de Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires, Argentina

University of Dubrovnik
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Griffith University
Queensland, Australia

Imperial College London
London, United Kingdom

Paderborn University
Paderborn, Germany

University of Palermo
Palermo, Italy

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Industrial University of Santander
Bucaramanga, Colombia

University of Sarajevo
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

University of Tirana
Tirana, Albania

Xi'an Jiaotong University
Xi'an, Shaanxi, China


Benchmarking the performance of cities across energy, water and environment systems
related metrics presents an opportunity to trigger policy learning, action, and cooperation to bring cities closer to sustainable development.